Google Play Policy For APP That Target Android 11 (API Level30)
Implement scope storage to use All File Access to access storage permission in Android 11
👋Hello Android Folks! ,
In 2019, Google announced📢 a new feature called scope storage. Scoped Storage was introduced with Android 10 as a modern way for apps to access photos, videos, and other files on the device with privacy and user control in mind.
Scope Storage Introduced in Android 10
- Unrestricted access to your own app storage
- Unrestricted media and downloads contributions
- Runtime permission only gives read access to media
- User confirmation required for modifying media
- Location metadata gated by new permission
💎For Android 10, you get benefits to opt-out to use scope storage using the requestLegacyExternalStorage
flag. You just need to add android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true"
into your manifest file and you are done to skip using scope storage for Android 10.
But From Android 11 onward you are not able to opt-out to use scope storage.
It's mandatory for all apps that targeting Android 11 to use scope storage 😮.
Scope storage improvements for app targetting Android 11🎯
- Enabled File Path APIs: It's basically an alternative to media store APIs
- Bulk Media modification APIs: It's added the ability to make changes in bulk
- All File Access: It list all permission in one place where the user can give access.
- Private App Storage: Your app’s external storage directory won’t be accessible to 3rd party apps and vice versa
In this post now we only talk about how to access Read/Write storage permission for Android 11?.
From 5th of May, We are eligible to use All File Access
. So, Let's implement it 😀
First, Add the permission called MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
in your manifest file
tools:ignore="ScopedStorage" />
🔨 Let's create a function to check whether permission is given or not
fun checkPermission(): Boolean {
return Environment.isExternalStorageManager()// it's available from Android 11
🎯 Check the device is targeting android 11 and above or not
if (checkPermission()){
// Here you can write code to access storage
} else {
// request for permission to access storage
} else {
// implement your older way to access storage
🔓📂Now, let's create an extension to request permission to get access of storage
fun AppCompatActivity.openSettingsAllFilesAccess(requestCode: Int) {
try {
intent.addCategory("android.intent.category.DEFAULT") =
Uri.parse(java.lang.String.format("package:%s", applicationContext.packageName))
this.startActivityForResult(intent, requestCode)
} catch (e: Exception) {
val intent = Intent()
this.startActivityForResult(intent, requestCode)
//You can use FragmentActivity instead of AppCompatActivity if you are using in fragment
💻Our final code looks like this
if (checkPermission()){
// Here you can write code to access storage
} else openSettingsAllFilesAccess(201)
} else {
// implement your older way to access storage
📂↩️Handle the permission callback on onActivityResult
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, @Nullable Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if (requestCode == 201) {
if (checkPermission()) {
// perform action when allow permission success
} else {
Toast.makeText(this, "Allow permission for storage access!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Yeah! 🤓we are done😊 . Now we can access storage.
📝Note:- If you are using All File Access
then you have to mention it on google play policy that what permission you are using and what for.
I hope you liked this article. If you find this article helpful then share it with everyone. Maybe it’ll help someone who needs it 😀
Thank You